Days 5 and 6

So, I am excited to bring you more potential gifts for my aunt's 12 Days of Christmas gift exchange. The gift does not have to be exactly as described by the song. So, I have a lot of creative freedom. And, for her sake, I am trying to keep everything under $15.

So, this leads me to Day 5 - Five Gold Rings

This next gift suggestion is a bit of a stretch but I thought these were so cute and they are goldish! These ornaments from Pottery Barn that look like little acorns would be so cute on a tree. I love them!
I love the store Z Gallerie. They have some of the most unique items. These votive holders are gold and have little "rings" in them. Not so much of a stretch here.

And, the most obvious gift would be napkin rings. But, these are fun and very cute.
Use your bead coasters also round "rings" and only $4.75 for 4! What a steal!

Day 6 - Six Geese a Laying.

Okay, this one was a bit more challenging. Not much really for geese or eggs. But, see below for my recommendations!

These are really cute soaps that come in an egg carton. Geese a laying ; ) Get it???

Okay, this proved to be much harder than I thought. Try to find something cute with a goose. Not easy. But, I ended up finding this cute spice filled snow goose. Very appropriate for the holidays!

This is pretty cool too. It is a hand carved goose egg featuring pansies. The artist who does this has many other cool designs too.
I have some fun ideas for tomorrow's featured items! So, check back!


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