More Before & Afters
Why are contractors so sloooow? Are they all born from the same two people who teach their kids to be super slow and unreliable? Probably so. Well, after a good 2 weeks without a garage door, we finally have one! Yay! But, regardless of the time this took (we still need to have the company put the handle and lock on and fix the electrical -- back to the first question) I am really pleased with how our garage looks! We had thought about putting our house on the market a bit ago, but after taking a step back and looking at our garage from a buyer’s perspective, we decided there is no way we could sell this eye sore to anyone.


Isn’t it a million times better???? It is almost embarrassing to show you our before pictures, but it is just too good not to share. I love how it turned out and I will give Tommy all the credit on the aesthetics. He met with the contractor and picked out the grey color to match the stones in the front of our house and the bead board garage is really cute. Now, I am not sure we will ever get the inside cleaned up so that I can get my car in….that will have to wait until it cools off.
WOW! It looks great!! I can't believe how different it looks - very nice!