Play with your Food
As a kid, I remember the kid's in school whose parents would send notes with their lunches. Ooooh, how I loved that. Oddly, I looked forward to those notes as much as my classmates did. I know. I am sure I was a weird kid. Surely you guys can relate. Right? Anyone?
Today on Spearmint Baby, she featured school lunches made by a dad in Omaha.
(You guys, Mickey's pants are made of an apple. An apple, people!)
Um, yeah, I can't even make dinner.
And for those of us who are a little less creative, you can try this plate from Perpetual Kid:
Random thoughts for the night:
Um, did you guys catch I Get That A Lot? It might be the Wednesday night equivalent to Conveyor Belt of Love. I am just sayin'. I have to give Paris props. She was actually really funny. And nice. I think I would fit in at one of her parties.
Also, I am an aunt again today! I got to see my new little niece tonight on Skype. Seriously, I feel soooo techy. Have you guys ever done it? It was only a half Skype since I don't yet have a web cam. But whatev. Close enough. (Any web cam recs would be appreciated. I know anyone who might Skype me is DYING to see me....and my dogs.) Oh, and my niece is precious and perfect. We already love her! PS - I am not world's worst aunt who hates to get out in the cold weather (though that is true too...hence the no work out tonight). She lives in Nebraska.
I love's weird though just talking out loud to your computer. That is the only way I can talk to Lindsey unless I want to pay and arm and a leg to call Kenya. Congrats on becoming an aunt again!