Miss Bee's Specialties

I have a new client and I wanted to complete her logo before I posted about her because I wanted to send you all to her new website (we are working on getting it fully functional) so you could link to her product pictures. I am constantly amazed by the artistic talent of my clients and Becky is definitely an artist. She sells custom invitations, picture frames, and personalized stampers (see my post about my favorite gift ideas.) I seriously love ALL of her stuff. She has fabulous taste and definitely has an eye for colors. I feel like Oprah today, beacause I am going to post my "Favorite Things" that Becky sells.

These are some of my favorite invites that she has done. It is so hard to pick just a few because they are all so cute!! It makes me want to throw a party!

I love her custom frames too. Seriously, they are all cute!!

Her custom stampers and pads are a "must have" for any woman! I have one of the custom stampers and I absolutely love it. I use it on my letters but I also have the wine tags and cards that I just stamp and-voila-I have a custom gift card. If you do not have one yet, you must get one, you will absolutely love it! I promise.

I will post again when her website is complete, but I just couldn't wait to share all of this cuteness!


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