I do!
Last night my good friend, Emily, tied the knot in Oklahoma City. I am so happy for her and her new husband. We had a blast at the reception and it was a great excuse to get together with my friends from college. I love them and totally wish I saw them more. We had some very good times together, of which it was determined I definitely was more the mother figure of the group : ). I am so lame, but I totally hung last night until 2:30. Go me!
I also had the privilege of being Emily's "florist." I only come out of retirement for my closest friends but every time I do flowers I remember how much I love it. Then, I remember how much delivering stresses me out! Yesterday was one of my more interesting delivery experiences. I am very unfamiliar with OKC, so we borrowed my in-law's Garmin. Great idea, we can get around easily, no problems, don't have to bother the busy bride with questions. This is fab. On our way to OKC I program all the addresses in and we are set for the day. Delivery time, I hit the address and we are on our way. And the Garmin takes us smack dab into the middle of a neighborhood (kind of a ghetto one at that). Okay, hmmm....surely the church is around here somewhere. I call Emily's mom. I call again -- "Is the church in a tin building?" Em's mom, "Um, no. Where are you?" Me, "I see a sign for Moore, OK." Em's mom, "Oh dear....you are not even close." Then it hits me. When I entered the address into the Garmin 2 addresses popped up. Exactly the same address only the zip codes were transposed...one was 73160 (popped up 1st) and 73106. I picked the first as I thought to myself...damn computers. Um, yeah, it was totally the 2nd address. Anyway, we made it. We had a few bouquets fall over in the back due to the chaos and turns, but it all ended well!
Emily and her family were a huge help. They picked up the flowers, cut them, stripped them and put them in water. It saved me hours! They turned out beautifully and I really did love arranging them. Here are some pics from the day/night:
These are the flowers in Emily's fridge before they got all wrapped up. They glow! I loved them! She has great taste!
So glad you came out of retirement!!! The flowers were amazingly beautiful :) I wish they would live forever!! And, so happy my mom could help you figure out how to get to us. Sorry the wedding nazi got on to you about your parking---I just heard about that one!