Just a couple of things

1- People, are you guys watching the Bachelor? What are we thinking about Ali going home? I was a little surprised and now I am intrigued. Megan thinks that we are going to have Jake go Pretty Woman-style to Ali's pad at the end of the show and be her prince charming. Now that would be the most dramatic rose ceremony ever.

PS - Is anyone else about to die of embarassment during most moments on this show. (In this episode alone: Tenley dancing ***shudder***, Vienna's dad's talk with Jake ***awkward***, Ali's fake cries ***cringe***.)

PPS -For you guys that watch, you must read I Hate Green Beans. You will thank me tomorrow.

2- Iris' All Boy Baby Shower was featured yesterday on The Creative Party Place. Well, more specifically, Aunt Mary's adorable favors that she handmade. (It is Iris' Aunt Mary, but I will totally claim her. ) Yes, I repeat this adorableness (is that a word?) was HANDMADE!

3- I came across this Table Tutu on Everyday Celebrating and I think I need one. I am not sure Tommy would agree....especially after seeing the price tag, but it would totally be worth it? I am sure I would use it someday. (Justification isn't how shopping addictions begin, right?) Check it out at Etsy Seller Sweets Indeed.

4- Are you guys still voting for Baby Finley in the Baby Love Tulsa contest? She totally should win. Definitely Tulsa's Most Beautiful Baby. We really have to rally. We only have until 2/26 to vote.
Finley with her BFF Cate.

So trendy!


  1. I'm still voting every day at both sites on both computers!!! The picture of Finley with her BFF is so precious!!!
    Love, Aunt Angie

  2. Just stopping by to congratulate you on your Okie Blog nomination! Best wishes!


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