What I've been up to

I keep forgetting that I use this blog to keep you guys updated on my very small side business. I actually do stuff other than search the internet to find you guys fun stuff to read about.

Currently, I have been working with Habitat on their upcoming gala, Habitat Goes to Hollywood. (Shamless plug - we are looking for auction donations and table sponsors.) This year they are moving their event to the Renaissance and it will be so nice! I have had a lot of fun serving on the committee and was recently asked to join the Board of Directors. I still have to be voted on. So, you never know.... ; ) Anyway, below is the ad that will be running in the next issue of the Tulsa People and I did another ad that ran in March's edition. It is so fun to see your ads in print!

I have also been working with long-time family friend Chuck Fasciano on his recruiting business, CS Group. Mr. Fasciano had been working for years with no online footprint. I basically accosted him at the Y a few months ago and told him that we need to get him online!

And, in the process I learned so much about his business. Many of you might remember him from his former restaurant Angelo's at 31st and Harvard (now Robert Zoellner's eye). Well, Mr. F has still been in the food and beverage industry as a recruiter. He has a niche and I am a HUGE fan of knowing your niche and sticking with it. I also had fun working with his logo too. I made it look like a bottle cap. Get it?

Please check out his site: www.charlessearchgroup.com and let me know if you find any bugs. It will launch officially in a week or two!


  1. congrats on the nominations and love the ad and chucks logo:) ur pretty amazing katie:) Hope they vote you in.. im sure they will;)

  2. Great news on being asked to be on the Board for Habitat! They are lucky to have you :) Yay!!!

    Em B


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