A little light reading

So my book reading is slacking off and is completely mostly in the area of children’s books. Though, I should easily be able to hit 100 new books read in 2014 if Emmy’s books count. I am always on the lookout for a board book (since that is about all that can handle her aggressive sweet book viewing).

Here are three really great books I would recommend!

Boss Baby – Love this book. We call Emmy Baby Boss, so when I came across this on Amazon, I knew we had to get it. It basically describes our life to a “T.” Demanding boss who has a personal chef, drinks made to order, gets spa treatments and holds meetings at all hours of the night! Of course, it is all tongue-in-cheek, but it is a cute book. Perfect for parents of a one year old!

I saw this Alphablock book in Parents Magazine and I got it for Emmy for Christmas. It is a beautiful book with awesome illustrations. It is currently sold out Amazon, but it is worth the wait! Clearly, I love good design.


The third book I got Emmy was this Colors book by Xavier Deneux. A neighbor of mine had the book for her little girl and I was so impressed with the quality of the book. The author has other books that I will definitely buy in the future, but I thought this one was the most age appropriate for her.

I love books, so I would love to hear any of your favorites! Let me know what I am missing out on.

(This is not sponsored, nor are the links affiliate. Ain’t nobody got time for that!)


  1. I love your book choices for Emmy!! I love children's books and can't seem to stop buying them!! I did just give each of the grandchildren a big box of books for them to take home from my personal library because I am running out of room.
    Love you, Aunt Angie

  2. have you read Gone Girl? I just started it last night because I have heard a TON of people talking about it! I am SUCH a loser and never read anymore. children's books are all we got going on over here too...a great one as Emmy gets older: Ladybug Girl! They are fabulous!

  3. These books sound so great. Love that you call Emmy baby boss ;) Might pick up the alpha block one myself!


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