Emmy’s Favorite Things 6-7 months

I love reading about other baby’s favorite things for their little ones, so I thought I would share some of our favorites!  Also, if you have any great ideas of things your baby liked at this age (or coming up), please share! I am always looking for new entertainment options!


Believe it or not, Emmy has a preference when it comes to her pureed foods. She loves Ella’s organics and Earth’s Best.  I have to tell you, though, I think the Ella’s branding is super cute. She will suck these baby’s down and I also love the ones with the rice or starch because she sleeps awesome!  I usually also give her some “real” food from the table if we are having something she can eat. 


Baby girl now pulls her headbands into her eyes, so we have moved on to bows to keep her hair out of her face.  (I use the word “we” liberally.  Tommy does not care about her hair, I am sure.) I had my friend who owns Teal & Co. make her some clips with no embellishments (cute pearls and such) because when she gets tired she will pull the bow out and start eating it. I also think she is starting to twirl her hair like I still do.  Sigh. :)


This walker is one of Emmy’s favorites, especially the phone!  She uses it a lot. Just like her mama!

This is Emmy’s other cell phone. She is a huge fan of it! Ha! Early baby communicator? I think so.


These balls have provided endless amounts of fun. She shakes them and when you put them on the ground and she grabs for them, they roll forward (by her push) making her scoot even more.  They are pretty cute, too!

My sister gave Emmy this Baby Einstein music table for Christmas. We still don’t have the legs on it, but she loves playing the piano and has figured out how to roll the little ball in the horn and she gets so proud of herself!

My sister-in-law was nice enough to loan us her exersaucer and Emmy just loves it! I can put her in it and it really does give us 30 minutes of play time.  It’s also super cute because she will see me in the kitchen working and will just give me the biggest smile. 

I am sure there are other favorites, but I totally still have mommy brain, so I will update when I remember!


  1. Love the "Baby Favorites" - it's so helpful as I attempt to take on the super intimidating task of registering! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Cute!! Maybe Emmy will like for me to play with her hair!!
    Love, Aunt Angie


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