Emmy is 7 months old!

My little girl is now closer to a year than she is to a newborn! (I realize I am stating the obvious, but it is so hard to believe!)

She is really getting a little personality! She is 99% sweet and 1% diva. The diva part can be explained when I am trying to get her to take a nap and she takes the pacifier out and throws it at me. She does the same with food when she is through eating.  Ha!!! I have a feeling her toddler and teenage years will be nothing short of interesting. 

The other times she is laughing, cooing, blowing raspberries and just smiling! She really is a sweet, sweet baby.

This month has been a busy one and full of lots of fun firsts!

Baby girl had her first swing ride. She seemed to like it.  I bought her one for our backyard, so I am eager to get it up!

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Precious girl wasn’t feeling so hot when we went to cousin Max’s 5th birthday party. This is her on her way – rocking her signature serious face.

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Stopping on our neighborhood walk to smell the flowers.

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Emmy has also really taken notice of Carter this month! He isn’t allowed on the bed, but one stormy morning he made it up there to Emmy’s delight.  He looks huge in this picture, but only weighs about 45 pounds.

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We had a play date with our baby friends.  Emmy and the baby on the right were born the same day and the baby on the left was born in January. They will all be in the same class in school (like their moms) and will just have so much fun growing up together!

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We took Emmy on her first zoo trip! She LOOOOOVED it! She was screaming and squealing the whole time.  We went with her cousins, so it was double fun for her! 

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Happy girl!

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Sweet, sleepy face!

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Feet in the grass…not sure what she thought about that.

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Now that Emmy is sitting up she has had new experiences like sitting in the high chair at a restaurant (pretty sure our eating out days are limited) and riding in the cart at Target.  This picture was taken between her whipping her head around to look at everything, but she absolutely loved the freedom of the cart!

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Our eating adventures are still ongoing. Emmy loves cauliflower, squash, zucchini, hummus, guacamole.  She has tried chicken salad and it was met with mixed reviews. She also has a hankering for cheese!  We are doing pouch purees and she can suck them down like a champ. She still doesn’t know how to use a sippy cup, but enjoys playing with it. She also enjoys yogurt melts, mum mums and puffs.

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Our sweet girl is wearing mainly 6 month clothes, size 2 diapers and can still squeeze into some 0-3 month clothes (as we had to do with our crummy cold weather this week)!

She is scooting all around, turning in circles on her tummy and can bring her knees under her, but no real crawling yet.  She is able to army crawl on our carpet. 

Her favorite toys are her Sophie the Giraffe, her two pretend phones, her walker that has a toy on the front (including a phone) and her exersaucer. 

Emmy loves bath time still and squeals when she is in there.  She has gotten much better at being laid down for a nap and going to sleep on her own and has moved to two long naps a day. 

She is a girl of a million nicknames – Emmers, Emmer Bemmers, Boo, Boo Kitty (Tommy’s former boss had a cat of this name and for some reason it has stuck), Kit Kat (a nickname for a nickname, obviously), Kit Kat Bar, of course, sweet girl is still one of our favorites.

Emmy is still so happy to see us in the morning and gets so excited. I am kind of her favorite right now, which I love. She reaches for me and when she catches my eye, she gives me the sweetest, biggest grin.

We love to watch her learn new things and she gets more and more fun each and every day.  We just love our precious girl!


  1. Quite a lot of adventures for Emmy in this post!!! I love all the pictures, and I love the one of you and Allison with your baby girls at the zoo. You are such a wonderful little mom!!
    Love you, Aunt Angie

  2. She is just so cute and sweet, Katie! I'm just so happy for you guys. There's nothing quite like being a momma, and I can tell you are enjoying it! Loved Addie's pics of her!

  3. beautiful baby girl. Oh my it makes me want another one. can i just come hold her so I can get my fix?

  4. I'm SOOO behind on reading blogs! Finally got to catch up on you girls today! Emmy is such a doll! I have to ask which stroller you've been using, I noticed you've got her in a Maclaren in the zoo pics, which one is it and would you recommend it? Thanks girly!!


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