Emmy Three Years

My little princess is now three years old! The age of two was super sweet and super challenging all at the same time. Her little imagination has EXPLODED. She LOVES to play and I just love to watch her play. On the flip-side she is also strong-willed and knows what she wants and will certainly let you know her opinion Winking smile.

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Some big milestones:

- She is now potty trained! Yay!  This was really easy, actually. I literally just waited until she was telling me she needed to go to the potty almost every time (this was in June or July). Then my mom put in her big girl panties while she was babysitting and that was that. No weekend at home, no bootcamp. She has had a couple of accidents, but overall is easy. (She does still wear a diaper at night and naps at home.)

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- She has had a few sleepovers with her grandmothers. To all those reading this…don’t wait until your child is nearly three to go on her first sleepover. I don’t know why I waited. Probably because I am a type A person who likes her to remain on a schedule and grandmothers don’t care about schedules, but I should have done this before she was 2.5.  Truth be told, I did try to get her to have a sleepover at my mom’s back in April, but it was pretty much a fail because she refused to quit talking to Tatum and Finley, so my mom had me come and pick her up.  But her other three sleepovers have gone great for me (and mostly fine for our moms – ha)!!

- Emmy started preschool this fall. She was soooooo excited about it and it was all she could talk about since January! We would drive by her school and she couldn’t wait to go. She did soooo well when we dropped her off, but her teacher said she was teary after I left, but did well the rest of the day.  She subsequently didn’t want to go the next three times (she goes Tuesday/Thursday), but she has gotten to where she isn’t asking to go, but not sad about it and no longer cries when Bop drops her off.  My sweet friend Iris picks her up for me and she is always excited to see her!  Her day is full of lots of fun, so I hope she really loves it by the end of the year!

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- She has now moved to a big girl bed. This was a milestone she was looking forward to. The transition has gone okay. It definitely could be better. In the past month, she has woken us up more than Holden has. I keep thinking that “this too shall pass.” So far we have a little alarm clock that comes into our room between 4:45 – 6:15. Mama needs sleep!

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Some other fun things:

- She loves to play mommy and daddy.  I am almost 99% of the time the little girl and she is the mommy.  The other 1%, I am the grandma.  Ha! Holden plays himself. She also plays this with my father-in-law and he is always the little boy.

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- Her other favorite thing to play is with any character toy (small plastic ones – forget stuffed animals – the girl has no interest).  For some time her favorites have been her peppa pig characters. She has almost all of them.  She will often play with them and have real life situations…she has had to send her peppas to the “calming area” on more than one occasion for poor behavior.  She will also give them two options, much like she gets. It really is hilarious.

- She also just loves the new dollhouse she got for her birthday.

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- Our night ritual lasts for quite a while. There are books read, stories told (they range from a Peppa story to wanting to hear about our old dog Pudge) and songs to be sung. She is on a patriotic kick since around the 4th of July. The child LOVES to spot an American flag too. She keeps asking why we don’t have one. (Maybe a Christmas gift! J) 

- Emmy is a major homebody.  If given the choice to go to the store with me, to go to Lowes and ride on the tractors, etc., she will almost always choose to stay with Tommy and play.  She will be happy to go to her cousin’s house, the zoo, or somewhere equally fun like the park.

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- When at the zoo, Emmy loves to ride the “carrotsell,” the train and her new fascination is with the camels.  Forget the animals. Those are just ancillary.

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- Emmy is a really good big sister. She is mostly sweet to Holden and likes to hug him (ahem, sometimes this is a chokehold) and hold him.  She has also been known to push him, but we are focusing on the positives here. They have been interacting more, so that is so fun to see! 

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- Right now Emmy’s favorite show is Team Umi Zoomi. It seems super educational and teaches them about counting, but for a good 6 months she ONLY wanted Peppa Pig.  For a brief period of time there was a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse thrown in there, but Team Umi Zoomi seems to have stuck. 

- The girl loves a dress. Those are her favorite things to wear.  She has gotten more opinionated about her clothes and likes particular dresses that she will wear over and over. I think it is a texture thing.  She has some knit dresses from H&M that are her favorites. Too bad we don’t have an H&M here because she loved picking them out when we were in Dallas on vacation.

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Some cute words she says:

- Gode (translation – went)

- Ncation (vacation)

- Mbecca (Rebecca for Rebecca Rabbit)

- Brudder (brother)

- Psketti (Spaghetti)

- Nilla (Granola)

- Ncord – (Her friend McCord)

- Nfessor (Professor)

I am not sure why the words have an “n” in the front, but it sure is cute.

We love our sweet girl and she certainly keeps us on our toes. I just love to watch her little personality blossom and just love this innocent, inquisitive, magical stage. (Minus the fits and the sleeping issues. I can sooooo live without those.)  Can’t wait to see what this next year holds.


  1. So sweet! It's funny how in so many ways she seems like Drew (always being the 'mommy' when we play) but so different (Drew HATES dresses and LOVES stuffed animals, ha). We still have her in her crib because Trent's transition was terrible, so I'm going to keep her in a crib until she's 7 - ha!


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